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have one's aunt
Or: have one's auntie with one , to be menstruating, to be visited by the monthly flow. See menstruation for synonyms.
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have it in large helpings
have it off
have it off with
have it on
have it Reno'd
have it Reno-vated
have it tied
have itchy pants
have kittens
have lead in one's pencil
have legs
have more pricks than a second-hand dart-board
have on
have one in the oven
have one off the wrist
have one on the brain
have one's banana peeled
have one's bell rung
have one's cherry
have one's chimes rung
have one's cut
have one's foul way with
have one's granny
have one's heart doing back flips
have one's heart doing flip-flips
have one's heart flip flop
have one's heart go pitapat
have one's heart go pitter-patter
have one's nose in a book
have one's oats
have one's ticket punched
have it off
have it off with
have it on
have it Reno'd
have it Reno-vated
have it tied
have itchy pants
have kittens
have lead in one's pencil
have legs
have more pricks than a second-hand dart-board
have on
have one in the oven
have one off the wrist
have one on the brain
have one's aunt
have one's auntie with onehave one's banana peeled
have one's bell rung
have one's cherry
have one's chimes rung
have one's cut
have one's foul way with
have one's granny
have one's heart doing back flips
have one's heart doing flip-flips
have one's heart flip flop
have one's heart go pitapat
have one's heart go pitter-patter
have one's nose in a book
have one's oats
have one's ticket punched